The most powerful man in the world

It turns out I’m even more powerful that I thought. I was under the impression that “Leopards” team manager/secretary, Wolves U-12 development team manager, Wolves fixture bloke, Wolves officials appointment geezer, and D1 BE rep bod was only the tip of the iceberg.

The news that I am the most important man of wasn’t a complete shock. I didn’t know that I’d actually managed to infiltrate the mind of its Chief Supreme Being (that it KO’s real title) and get most other mods sacked and finally shut up bad boy in Leicester (for a bit) did come as a bit of a surprise, though. Apparently I’ve also taken the colour from everyone’s life.

But within hours of yesterday’s rant we all received an email asking for details of our financial losses due to closed doors games. I posted the rant at lunchtime and by the time I’d escaped from school and logged on three hours later, there was the email.

I won’t go into detail, but they want us to jump through hoops (irony) but they were never going to just chuck a bucketload of money at us – if we get 42.7p in the £ that we’ve requested I’ll be amazed. It would be interesting to know how the football money was decided, and there’s no reason it shouldn’t be public knowledge, but we might get a “real” season yet.

And clearly there is no end to my power

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