The Americans are coming

Don’t worry. This isn’t about 777. Not everything’s about 777. Maybe I’ll write something about 777 later. Maybe not.

Probably the latter as I’m going to basketball tonight. I’ve missed going to basketball, games have been a bit barren this summer and the last one I went to was the classic in May. And it’s Hoopfix to the rescue again as they’re putting a Select v Eastern Washington University on at the place of my dreams (Essex Arena in case you’re new around here).

It’s a slightly strange place to have it, in that anyone from outside the immediate area considers it to be in the middle of nowhere. It’s 43 miles door-to-door for me, I did it in 36 minutes one night, which was the only good thing about that crazy trip, but it’ll take bloody hours with the roads around here generally carnage and Colchester not known for moving in rush hour. But apparently it’s part of a partnership between Rebels and Hoopsfix, and without going over old ground I really wish Sam all the best with that and hope it goes better than it did for Leopards.

I was going to write a “you should get tickets for this” plug on Wednesday evening, but I had my dinner instead and while I was chomping away an email from Sam came in asking that if you’d registered for more tickets than you need, could you please return them. With Cait and Tracy unable to make it, I duly did.

It’s free, and only one side is open, but it’s still pretty impressive to find 1000 people interested in a friendly in the middle of he holiday season.  It was never going to beat last year’s “Bronny” game at the Copper Box but if putting butts on seats is Sam’s job at Essex, I reckon he’ll do pretty well at it. And it’ll look good to the opposition, because they generally visit in the middle of the summer, such games are often played at training venues – I do wonder what Montana State though of Barking Abbey last year – so a shiny (fairly) new venue with a decent crowd might stop them thinking our pro game is played in school gyms.

It’s a shame that college teams can’t come over in September and be part of pre-season for BBL and D1 teams, but clearly the timing doesn’t work for them otherwise they would.

But, anyway, tonight it’s basketball. It’s all I need.


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